Academics & Achievements

Pre-Primary & Primary

For a start, Ravees School's major concentration is always on fine and cross-motor skills to help develop each child socially and mentally, as well as physically.

Audio & Video visual instruments help every child to 'feel' the content come alive, which helps in higher memory retention.

From a physical education point of view, our varied types of games, sports, and outdoor activities will help the child's overall growth.

Field trips inculcated into Live Classroom sessions to create a more natural learning aura.

Our weekly schedule includes - abacus, computers, dance, music, karate, soft skills coaching, library and play area activities, apart from the regular Sports and Games scheduled classes.

We enjoy with Celebrations to acknowledge every students' achievements.

Each classroom would not exceed 20-25 students along with a teacher and full time helpers.

High school

High attention to the growth of every child's mental and personality development.

Faculty and staff highly trained to inculcate behavioral coaching in and out of class to upskill each student's mental upbringing.

HHeavily equipped Computer and Science Labs for experimental learning to inculcate a practical mode of teaching.

Dance, Music, Karate, Soft skills coaching, Library, etc., infused into every student's weekly schedules.

State of the art sports facilities to help each student excel in their choice of sports.

Classrooms strength would not exceed 30-35 students such that proper attention provided by the staff and faculty.

Our Activities

We believe that education is a broad concept that surpasses the walls of a classroom. The core aim of our method of education is to foster all-round development of every student.

Under an umbrella of cultural activities, Ravees promotes creative thinking and artistic expressions, by allowing students to explore their hidden strengths and talents outside the purview of academics.

Music & Dance

Keeping an overall holistic education platform, and intellectual development of students in mind, Ravees provides for highly trained and experienced faculty for Music and Dance as an integral part of Co-curricular activities.

Social Development

Behavioral studies, non-verbal communication coaching, scouting and guiding, co-operative societal norms and virtues along with state-of-the-art facilities for games and sports, infused with celebrating major festivals, school council activities, conducting assemblies are part of integral values for Ravees School.

Intellectual Development

Apart from the curriculum of academia, Ravees knows the significance of the worldly intellectual development required for today's child who would become future leaders.For this Ravees invests highly on school magazines, science and arts clubs, world affairs society, competitive debates, seminars and discussions, competitions such as essay and story writing, which would help students build themselves mentally.

Physical Development

Ravees understands the importance of physical education for each student. Hence, we always encourage every child to take up and participate in sports or any physical activities where the child has the inclination to excel.

This helps in the child's overall growth in terms of agility, physical strength, coordination, balance, and endurance. Activities provided - Physical Training Drills, Indoor & Outdoor games, sports, Daily exercises, Yoga, Athletics, NCC, etc..

"We care, We share, for the future we prepare."